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Developing and managing e-learning
E-learningThe potential of computer networks in schools, colleges and universities to provide resources and tools for learning is yet to be fully exploited. The authors of this series of books recognise that e-learning will only make a valid contribution if it is effectively integrated into a well-conceived and balanced programme of education. The authors outline how this can be achieved whether you are just starting to consider e-learning, or have reasonable facility with the technology.
- Learning on-line on campus
- Supporting on-line learning
- Getting started with on-line learning
- Electronic Learning Resources
Guidance and SupportOther relevant resources can be found on the guidance and support pages.
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Learning on-line on campus
Gunter Saunders and Anita Pincas
E-learning is being promoted by the government in its post-16 and higher education strategies. Previous initiatives in on-line learning have failed because adequate educational approaches have not been developed. This publication offers practical guidance on managing student learning on-line using successful educational strategies.Cover
The book is written in a clear, concise style and illustrates fully the many ways in which on-line learning can be practiced in a campus-based situation.
Subjects which are considered are:
Planning to go on line
Provision of information on-line
On-line communication
Managing learning on-line
On-line assessment
Virtual learning environments
Accessibility and copyright issues
Learning on-line on campus ISBN 1 899692 16 9Available from bookshops and direct.Price and ordering information

Supporting on-line learning
John Hurley
This book addresses the successful use of e-learning to enrich the experience of both learners and teachers in post-16 and higher education. It argues that guidance and support are integral to on-line learning.Cover
This book covers the precepts and practice of support for on-line learning in detail. It is written in a vigorous, clear and thought-provoking way.
The book covers:
The development of on-line learning
The guidance and support process
Guidance and support strategies for e-learning
Support for distance and distributed learning
Initial guidance, selection and diagnostic assessment
Providing academic guidance and tutorial support
Organising on-line support
This book is designed and written to show the way in which the use of ICT can increase the quality of students' learning experiences when supported by guidance-based tutoring.
Supporting on-line learningISBN 1 899692 07 XAvailable from bookshops and direct.Price and ordering information

Getting started with on-line learning
Gunter Saunders
E-learning offers schools, colleges and universities new opportunities to respond to changing approaches to learning by exploiting their computer networks. This book provides a starting point to enable staff to exploit the potential of these technologies in a way which is educationally sound.
Written for teachers in post-16 and higher education, this book deals with any initial concerns about using ICT. It shows how the new technology can be used as part of good teaching practice. It illustrates the way that e-learning can be integrated into learning programmes to give teachers more time to meet individual student need.
The book covers:
Approaches to teaching and learning
The role of computers and computer networks
The internet and worldwide web
Using ICT in teaching
On-line assessment
Developing the use of web technology
The future use of ICT in education
This book stresses the way that ICT can be used to enhance the quality of student learning.
Getting started with on-line learningISBN 1 899692 06 1Available from bookshops and direct.Price and ordering information.

Electronic Resources

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