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Educational strategies and resources for offenders and ex-offenders
Offender EducationThe majority of offenders have broken school records and poor educational attainment. Education can be seen as a significant intervention in changing offending behaviour. A criminal record is a further disadvantage to breaking the cycle of offending. These books provide strategies for teachers and materials for students, which can be used at a basic education level. The books are widely used in the prison education, probation and Connexions services, and in voluntary projects.
- Dealing with Double Disadvantage
- Dealing with Double Disadvantage - The Practitioner Reference Manual
- Talking About a Record
- Opportunity for Enterprise
Guidance and SupportOther relevant resources can be found on the guidance and support pages.
Prices and Ordering

Dealing with Double Disadvantage
Denise Jones and Diana Le Clair
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This book is written by authors with long experience of working with ex-offenders. It provides an overview of the educational needs of offenders and educational work with them.
The book argues that offending behaviour often results from educational disadvantages. If behaviour is to be changed, the underlying educational problems must be addressed. The book provides a clear discussion of the methods by which this can be achieved.
Dealing with Double Disadvantage - The Practioner Reference Manual
By the same authors, this publication provides a practical guide to good practice for education work with offenders and ex-offenders. Loose-bound materials in a ring-binder include a licence so they can be photocopied for use with clients.
"These publications successfully develop the arguments for a greater emphasis on education and guidance work with offenders in the process of reintegration into society. They should be considered essential reading for all those who work closely with offenders or ex-offenders."
Vista - Autumn 2000
Dealing with Double DisadvantageISBN 1 899692 03 7Available from bookshops or directPrices and ordering information
Dealing with Double Disadvantage - The Practitioner Reference ManualISBN 1 899602 05 3Available from bookshops or direct

Talking About a Record
Denise Jones
This pack takes students systematically through the process of disclosure, dealing with the reequirements of the law and how to present their offending in the most positive way to employers. The materials come with an update which details changes in the implementation of the law.Cover shot
The pack is simply written and clearly presented to address the learner. The materials are designed to develop the learner's confidence together with a realistic approach to finding work. There is a tutor pack which supports these materials which contains additional resource material and guidance notes for advisers on the use of the materials. These come with a photocopying licence to allow their use in the purchasing institution.
Talking About a Record - Student WorkbookISBN 1 899692 12 6Available from bookshops or directPrices and ordering information
Talking About a Record - Tutor PackISBN 1 899692 13 4Available from bookshops or direct
Talking About a Record - 10 student packISBN 1 899692 13 4Available directly from Learning Partners

Opportunity for Enterprise
Denise Jones
This publication is designed to help ex-offenders who are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business. It enables learners to present an initial proposal from which they can develop a business plan. It can be used individually or in a group situation.
The material is designed to bridge the gap between basic guides and more complicated publications produced by banks and enterprise agencies. They can be used for basic skills work or selected to meet the needs of more experienced learners.
Cover shot
This pack covers:
Exploration of initial ideas
Researching your idea
Getting support
Developing a personal profile
Producing an initial business plan
The publication is supplied as a single learner pack or as a bundle of five learners' packs at a discount (only available directly from Learning Partners). A tutor pack is also available which is produced in ring-bound format with additional tutor notes and includes a disc-based spreadsheet, to help learners do basic costings, and a photocopying licence.
Opportunity for Enterprise - Tutor PackISBN 1 899692 15 0Available from bookshops
or direct
Prices and ordering information
Opportunity for Enterprise - Student WorkbookISBN 1 899692 17 7Available from bookshops
or direct
Opportunity for Enterprise - Student Pack (5 student workbooks)Available directly from Learning Partners

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