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Guidance and support for managing learning
Guidance and supportThe shift in education from teacher-centred to learner-centred approaches places more emphasis on learning management, academic guidance and student support. Time previously spent in presenting information can be used to manage learning activities and the development of students' study, professional, analytical and critical skills. This series of publications provides practical guidance for teachers and tutors in an easily accessible format.
- Accrediting Lifelong Learning
- Learning Without Hearing
- Tutoring for Achievement: Frameworks and Skills
- Supporting Learning
E-learningOther relevant resources can be found on the e-learning pages.
Offender Education
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Accrediting Lifelong Learning
Sharing good practice in assessment and evidence
Sarah Connell and Jenny Sanderson
This publication provides a clear, concise guide to developing portfolio-based assessment in Open College Network accredited provision. The authors have extensive experience in developing assessment strategies in adult and community education.
The pack is based on guidance they have developed within a local OCN and can be used for tutor training or as individual guidance notes.
It includes sections covering:
Assessment of skills, knowledge and understanding
Making assessment judgements
Assessment activities
Evidencing learning and achievement
Quality assurance of assessment
Also included are 40 pages of examples, photocopiable resources and sources of further information, guidance and support. The publication is ring-bound with a photocopying licence for the purchasing organisation.
Accrediting Lifelong LearningISBN 1 899692 18 5Available from bookshops or directPrice and ordering information

Learning Without Hearing
Rob Rodgers
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This resource pack is designed to help schools, colleges and universities support students in mainstream post-16 education, who experience hearing loss. The pack provides information, activity and other materials for training, awareness raising and for developing programmes of support for deaf students.
The materials are simply and directly written by an experienced teacher of deaf students and cover:
The problems of hearing loss
Common stereotypes and misconceptions
Learning and support needs
Overcoming communication difficulties
Strategies for support provision
A study skills development programme
Learning Without Hearing is designed for ease and flexibility of use. It is ring-bound and simply presented. The pack comes with a site licence which allows the materials to be photocopied and used for teaching and development purposes across the purchasing institution.
Learning Without HearingISBN 1 899692 01 0Available from bookshops or directPrice and ordering information

Supporting Learning
John Hurley
This comprehensive modular pack takes you through the strategies for supporting the development of learning skills at all levels of post-16 education.Supporting Learning Cover
The materials can be used flexibly to:
Identify needs and define priorities
Develop and review strategies for learning support
Provide training and development activities
Disseminate good practice
Supporting Learning is designed for ease of use. It is ring-bound and simply presented in a modular format. Users can locate the sections that address their current needs and employ them selectively in any order. The materials come with a photocopying licence for use within the purchasing organisation.
Supporting LearningISBN 1 899692 09 6Available by special order directly from Learning PartnersPrice and ordering information

Tutoring for Achievement - Frameworks
John Hurley and Lynette Hurley
This comprehensive set of modular materials offers a dynamic but non-prescriptive approach to developing and managing tutorial support. This clear and stimulating guide can be used from sixth form to higher education and includes:Tutoring for Achievement - Frameworks
The guidance process from entry to exit
The functions of tutorial systems
Action planning and progress review
Tracking, monitoring and recording
Developing learning
Pastoral support
Staffing, organisation and delivery
Tutoring for Achievement - Skills
Lynette Hurley and Jane Smith
Tutoring for Achievement - Skills
This lucid and accessible resource pack provides an overview of the skills required for guidance-based tutorial systems and tutorial review systems. Drawing on counselling and management techniques the pack is an invaluable resource for tutors, team leaders and staff development.
The materials cover all aspects of tutoring skills including initial assessment of students, the use of counselling techniques in tutoring and the skills of listening, giving feedback, challenging and negotiating.
Tutoring for Achievement - Frameworks and Skills are designed for ease of use. The ring-bound materials come with a photocopying licence for use in the purchasing institution.
Tutoring for Achievement - FrameworksISBN 1 899692 10 X Available by special order directly from Learning PartnersPrice and ordering information
Tutoring for Achievement - SkillsISBN 1 899692 11 8

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